Monday! Oh how I love a Monday morning....I like it when everyone has to get up and go...summer is so hard when my little babies stay up late watching a movie and then sleep until noon or beyond....teenagers....glorious little teenagers!!
This weekend I made a little art journal or mini photo album {as they are sometimes called} to highlight our little day trip to Monterey and the beach. {Its already been claimed by my youngest Daughter}. When I was done I saw all the extra papers and decided to go ahead and make some blank minis to put in the shop! I'll have 3 available!

Here are the fun and funky pages inside the book....lots of different felt pages, cork board pages and envelopes and tags...I even did a little sewing for you on 5 of the pages!!

I didn't stop there....I added lots and lots of embellishments, some handmade like a yummy yo-yo and glitter button flowers, punched butterflies...oohhhhh yea!! Its all in the cool colors of summer....
Yellow, Teal and Orange!!!

I love how all the pages are different and while looking at one page you can see other pages peeking out...

Here is one page in my little album....a jelly fish page...I finally used the cool
little printer the Kids got me for Mother's Day and I heard a resounding "It's about time" throughout the house....guess I should have used it earlier!!!

So....What do you think? It's my first time making minis for the shop...and they were so fun...I'm going to make some more...the next one is going to be PINK!!
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I hope your Monday is Great!! Thanks for visiting!!