That's how I'm feeling. Like I accomplished something, even if no one likes it or even takes notice. I set out to list something new and interesting in my etsy shop by this weekend. I did. New goals are good.

I want to make more goals. I want too because it makes me feel good when I reach them, no matter how little or big they are. So I'm going to make more goals and I hope to be able to reach them.

Since I didn't get an opportunity to even think about this years goals at the beginning of the year, I'm thinking about them now! I'm not behind though....I'm right on time.

Setting goals can sometimes be overwhelming. Reaching them can even seem even more troublesome and sometimes when I miss a goal "deadline", I just about give up. I'm just starting to realize how important goals are to succeeding at anything. Both daily and future goals, I definitely need more. I've just been sailing around....I want a more focused, happy, loving life. With less clutter and stress and more relaxation and fun.

I'm going to be using this "Smart" mnemonic, I found online, for setting my goals from now on...
•S - Specific
•M - Measurable (or Meaningful).
•A - Attainable (Action-Oriented).
•R - Relevant
•T - Timing

Who knows what will happen but I do know it will start with simple daily lists of things I want to accomplish each and every day. The inevitable TO DO list and guess what....even though today's post took a completely different direction than I had intended....I'll check "Blog Post on Etsy Update" off today's TO DO list....Yeeeehaw!!!
Did you set goals this year? How are they coming along?
I'm off now....to clean up my office....a tornado of fabric bits came thru...and its also on today's TO DO List!! =:0)

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YeeHaw is right! Although I say it a lot! I live in Texas though, so I think it comes with the territory! Haha! These are AWESOME Colleen! So fun and happy and the color combos are gorgeous. I'm smitten with that red and yellow set! Great job!! :)
ReplyDeletecute flowers. SMART goals reminds me of work...blah!
I love these flowers! They are adorable!