Hello, Hello!!! I know it's been forever...wish I could say, I'll be more regular here...but it just doesn't happen...family, work...fun...real life...it all gets in the way and I'm not one of those super Mom types....I'm lazy, tired and half the time unmotivated. I think if I could make the stuff and someone else would photograph it to get a blog post together...well, then there would be way more going on here!! As it is...I make stuff and don't photograph it and sell it or give it away.....then I think...Man...I should have taken pictures of that....Oh, well....I'll be here when I can and I hope you'll come stop by every once in a while to say Hello!!
Its hard to believe the summer came and the summer went and now another school year is starting....4 of our Kids are still in school. Two in College (One taking classes at night school and one going full time), one in Jr. High and one in High School. I never need classroom treats anymore....its really kinda sad...I so enjoyed when they were younger and coming up with fun ideas for them to take to their classmates for all the holidays. Now I make treats just for them and if I'm lucky they sometimes ask for treats for their friends and I'm happy I get to do that!!
This year I really wanted to make something sweet using apples for the first day of school.
We were at the Mall, school clothes shopping and I picked up some pre-made apples from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, thinking how convenient that was...quick and easy...turns out I probably would never go there again since I thought their Customer Service was AwFuL and I'm sure I could have made them as yummy at home without the attitude!!! However, since I did buy a few, I wasn't going to waste them!!
I always search Google for free printables, I typed in "Back to School, free printables" and TONS of options come up!! I choose a couple that I liked and printed them on cardstock paper. For this one I used,
Bloom Designs Online for I Heart Nap Time. I did alter the tag a bit but you don't need to because the tag is super cute! I just wanted to add the black ribbon so I needed a little black on the tag to make it work for me. The M&M's on this apple remind me of school supplies!!!
Searching again, I printed this cute tag from
Our Best Bites, So easy to work with! I love making things out of felt and this little heart works with this and I think the ruler button is perfect....it matches the little sprinkled nuts all over the apple!!
Next I used....a cute little printable from
Parties for Pennies on the Living Locurto blog. This printable was for a really cute, get to know you, game but I cut it in half, added a sticker, rounded the corners and used it for a tag.
So I'm thinking these would be adorable 1st day of school treats but the truth of the matter is.... my Girls have been begging me to eat these.....they can't wait any longer so by the time I post this they will have eaten them and I will have to make something different for them for the first day of school!! These really are an easy, fun treat!! Hope you enjoyed them!!
I hope you had a wonderful summer and did something exciting. I have been off work for two weeks for a little surgery I had to have, it kinda put a cramp on the end of summer fun activities but whats a girl to do??!!
Hope to see you soon!