Time for this months sketch challenges over at
P K Glitz and by playing along you could be a Guest Designer for September! Here are the sketches...

This month I played along and here is my take on the sketch....I switched it...putting the journaling where the picture goes and the picture where the journaling goes...that's the fun part about sketches...they are your interpretation and creative starters for you to just get going!!! Now, I can't really let you read this journaling because its a note to the newest Graduate in the family and if I let you read it....well...(I know you thought I was going to say...I'd have to Kill you...and I thought about it for a second!)..but really its because he'd probably be embarrassed and while I like to embarrass him sometimes..this was a little personal for even me to share....Sorry....Just know this...He's come along way!!! =:O)

So...why don't you Play along this month and go link up!!??!!
Its been pretty hot around here the last couple of days. The weather is wacky...cool and breezy and then the next day, hot and sticky....I've been working on getting some things done to put in my store....but it sure is slow going with me. I feel guilty being in here during the day when the Kids want to be going and doing something and then am tired in the evening and want to just hang out...then when I go to bed....my head is full of ideas and things to do and things I should have done...it's hard to sleep...Does that happen to you? Mind racing at midnight, full of ideas and plans...just when you want to be enjoying your coveted slumber??
Well, Im off to try to bring on sweet dreams...Hope you've been having a great week!!