WOW...the last couple of weeks RACED was all a flash...and quite a thrill. Whats been happening??!!! For me....A Friend of mine asked me to go on a quick trip with headed out to NC and VA...Halloween weekend, leaving on Friday at 4:30am...Really...who flys that early? Why are the airports even open!? When my Friend and I arrived in NC we were slightly unprepared for the weather was F R E E Z I N G there...Thankfully my Sister lives in NC and was able to bring me a coat....We were there to meet this guy and go to the Races...

Now I'm not a true NASCAR fan, in fact I've only been to, I think, one other race but it was fun to go behind the scenes at the race track and to meet Jeff Gordon {#24} in didn't hurt that he was also a cutie, nice and just my height...Just sayin!

We spent a lot of time looking around the garage on Sat., looking where we would be sitting on Sunday and just generally taking in the whole NASCAR experience....

On Saturday night my Sister and I headed out to the
Woods of Terror in Greensboro, NC...What a blast that was!! It was so scary and my Sister kept shoving me to the front....I definitely didn't want to be the lead going through, but it kept happening....20 acres...20 big acres!! the the dark...with scary dressed up people...and screaming everywhere...and chainsaws...and it was a TOTAL Blast!!!
Photo Credit: Unknown
I arrived back home Halloween afternoon and quickly planned a dinner of spooks....we ended up having
Mummys {Wrapped hot dogs}, Fried Rattlesnake {Tatar tots} and Brains {Sweet and Sour Rotkohl} worked out great..I didn't have to spend lots of time on it, {jet lagged and tired} Everyone gobbled it up...the neighbors even came over and ate all the leftovers!! Yay! Here are some of the crew...My Honey makes the best Michael Meyers eva! He stands around perfectly still and freaks people out!! Love! Ms. M. was a "Modern" fish. Her outfit was Cool enough to hang in and trick-or-treat! She picked out all the material and cut all the gills herself!! Like, Like, Love!! Ms. H.....of course was the Toadstool! All Fun!!

The rest of last week I spent getting ready for a craft fair. My Girlfriend, Marianne came over and helped me make lots of chocolate covered pretzels we took to the show on Saturday. {Thank you so much, Marianne!!} I have another show on Wednesday of this week but I'm already ready for it so I wont have to run around like a chicken with its head cut off this week!!! Wooohoooo!!
If you happen to be in the Bay Area please stop by the Holiday Fair at Monte Gardens Elementary Wednesday, Nov 9 12:45p to 7:00p at Monte Gardens Elementary, Concord, CA...swing by my booth and say Hi, I'd love to meet you!!
That's whats been going on with me...Whats been happening in your world?! I hope to be starting on handmade Christmas gifts this next you'll be seeing some of that and I hope to update my shop soon as well!! I will re-open my shop on Thursday of this week! Fun!!