So I've been painting and trying to work on some clothes for them...which is seemingly harder than it should be! They are so fun and I can't wait till they are all dressed and I can show you them!!
Here is my Daughter's WIP...she says this little blonde doll looks just like her and I'd have to agree!! She is working on a Red, White and Blue doll for the forth of July...

She {My youngest!} is so funny....everytime I come into the studio....she has moved the little clothespins into different positions....sometimes in a circle, sometimes as little couples, sometimes they look like they are dancing...its very funny to come in and see them doing something different each time...
I'm currently sick...some kind of summer cold thing...not sure I understand why...it could be because the weather here is funky....one day its in the 90s and I'm sweating and hot and the next day its in the 60s and I'm on the couch with a blanket on! I think my body just doesn't know what the heck to do...unless of course I suddenly have allergies and that would be no fun!
Well that's what I'm working on....in between the pool and Six Flags and movies and the crazy schedule of teenagers and almost teenagers!!! What exciting things have you been getting yourself in?
Hi!Colleen these are soooo sweet,i totally love them.hugs Lou.xx