With all that goodness, fun and sparkly stuff going on....a little reality must get thrown into the mix, just so I realize and remember how all that sparkle stuff is so awesome....My Daughter got bit by a tick and that is seriously not happy! They put her on some strong antibiotics hoping to kill any Lyme disease that can occur....horrible!! and I think I may have walking pneumonia and haven't been sleeping much {the cough syrup the Dr. gives you to help sleep...not working!}....its been a good thing I feel better when I'm up and about rather than lying down!!
I also had a little time to work on my online Soul Restoration class I'm taking from Brave Girls. I love this class. Behind as usual but loving it anyway. Thought I'd show you a few peeks of my progress....

This little book is just for me...and I like it! I've never made myself anything before. Nor have I done a lot of collage art before so it's been a new experience.
The assignments each week are uplifting and self motivating and the art work just makes you feel better!! As part of the class, I've started my art journal as well! Learning new things about myself, accepting things and moving past and onward.....

My Daughter has been coming into my office to see what I'm doing and will then go work in her art journal!! Very Fun!! I love that!! Last night she asked me to do a journal prompt for her....so I wrote in her journal, on the page she picked, {of course}....I wrote..."What are some of my Best Attributes?" and numbered 1-15....as I gave it back to her she said she couldn't think of 15 things!! I said yes you can...and 30 mins later she came and showed me her page...it was beautifully decorated, all written in different colored markers with swirls and doodles...and there on her page were 15 wonderful things about her....{LoVe} She will definitely be a Brave Girl too!!!

I hope your doing something fun for yourself as well. I often forget its important to take time out just for fun! Just for yourself. Just for your Family. Without working too hard or cleaning too much or worrying about it all {I do that last one a lot, the other two....well I just worry about how I didn't do those!}. It can be super refreshing and good for your soul. I'm glad to have had a week off to relax, have some fun and not worry about what I "should" be doing. I'll get back to that this week! =;0)
Hope last week was good to you! Hard to believe its now May!!! Wow this year is flying by!!!!!
I'm off to clean...really, I have to...its so sad... but some sheets need folding and counters need bleaching....Hope your day sparkles....
Loved your blog post--I saw its link of the Brave Girls FB page. Good for you sweet girl to share this love with your daughter. This world is so hard for these sweet girls and it's awesome to give her the tools RIGHT now to help her remember who she truly is when the world is screaming something entirely different in a million different ways. Nice work, big love!