Where does all the time go....and why does it go so fast??? Another busy week is starting and one is finishing...Family Fun Night was last weekend and we Went and saw
Toy Story 3...too cute!! The Kids loved it. We also went to the
Country Throwdown for Fathers Day! Had Awesome seats..4th row! Very Fun...saw some really great bands like Little Big Town and Jamey Johnson but by far...
Montgomery Gentry were my favorite...If you like country music....I would suggest seeing MG in concert...they were super fun!!

This is also happening this week...
our anniversary...ahhhhhhh...Not sure what we will be doing but I do know...Honey got our Katie to come over to babysit because she called to confirm! =:O)

Next up is Honey's Birthday and I haven't figured out what we will be doing just yet...so it will be another busy....
but FUN week.....I'll have some crafty projects for you later too!!
Hope you are having a Wonderful week!!