This was the only picture I had of the Jonas Brother concert that the Girls and their older Brother went to! Knowing the Girls had Loved the Jonas Brothers, Kyle secretly got front row tickets and surprised them!! They were so excited and got to making the big poster they took to the concert!! While it was a little loud in the front row...they had fun and Kyle got serious Best Big Brother points!! =;o)

How was your weekend? What did you do? I had hoped to clean out the hall closet, which really is like the closet you see in TV sitcoms where, when they open it, everything falls out. Balls flying, boxes and bags crashing to the really needs some attention...I wanted to do a Hoarders show like clean-out and take everything outside, sort it and return it to its proper place...but was suppose to rain on Sunday and it ruined my plans...sad really! =;0) Saturday night was Family Fun Night and we did a Board game night and made brownies(yea, I know, not on the diet). Sunday, Katie and I, headed into the City and went to see the Broadway musical...In the Heights, which was super fun! On the way home we ending up finding the most perfect little sushi bar ever.

It had these little boats traveling around a small river...each boat carried tiny plates of sushi which you picked from! Loved it there and the food...Yummy!!
Are you ready for this new week? I'm not so sure I am! My Daughter woke up with a deep, yucky cough...the kind you know is not so good and after a trip to the Doctors, turns out she has croup, poor thing! =:O( I would bet it travels thru the house like a cold breeze on a dark and rainy day infecting the rest of the crew by weeks end. Tis the way of the icky cold....I'm hoping it doesn't though...and one can always hope!
Wash your hands and stay Healthy....
*sushi boat picture is from google images: MyJRNY's flickr photostream
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